Purchase a minimum of P300 pesos worth of Trolli gummi candies at the Trolli Halloween Booth located at
SM Makati, Megamall and North Edsa.
You can choose to avail of 10 minutes of do-it-yourself face painting or face painting by our make up artist based on given schedule below.
Schedule of Availing Onsite Face Painting:

Join the virtual Trolli Fun Halloween photo contest by taking a photo of yourself with face paint and /or Halloween
costume using our Trolli Fun Halloween backdrop and posting your photo in Facebook. Post privacy must be set PUBLIC.
Post and share within the period of October 14-31, 2023 to have a chance to win the in the virtual “My Trolli Fun Halloween” Photo Contest.
Share in your social media page with hashtags #Trolliph #MyTrolliFunHalloween #TrolliHalloween #Halloween #TrickorTreat #SnacksAtSMStore #LettheFunWin

The deadline of entries will be at 12 midnight of Oct. 31, 2023.
Each particpant may only win once.
Winners will be featured in Trolli Philippines Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok.
Winners will be chosen on November 3, 2023, in the presence of an FDA representative.
Announcement of winners will be done on November 10, 2023 via Facebook and Instagram post.
Winners will also be emailed and contacted via phone.
Winners must present a valid purchase receipt and an ID to be able to claim the prize at Resourceful International Marketing, Inc. head office located at 82 Nicanor St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Quezon City.
Prizes not claimed after 30 days upon noticifaction of winning will be forfeited in favor of Resourceful International Marketing, Inc.
Per DOH-FDA Permit No: 1451. Series of 2023.